Saturday, December 3, 2011

Staying Positive!

!±8± Staying Positive!

Having some trouble staying positive? It seems that we are all being bombarded lately by the doom and gloom impressions we are filled with daily via the media. If you feel as though your life is on shaky ground you are not alone. People all over this country are experiencing some of the most challenging times of their lives. We have all been hearing about the increase in crimes, deaths, market drops, job losses, illnesses and other catastrophes. Certainly the economic forecast and the Presidential race are foremost on the minds of many people in the US. Gas prices are nearly through the roof with not much daylight in sight for help. Over the last two months I have spoken with dozens of people who are feeling the pressure financially, physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.

In order to change your current situation - try to determine what most negatively affects you on a daily basis. Although we cannot personally change the whole World, we can change how we react to what comes our way. Here are some helpful hints to help you stay positive during this seeming "downtrend:" Write a daily list of people and things you are grateful for

Keep a Quip book or joke book next to your bed and read a few pages before going to bed and upon waking in the morning. Call or write an email to someone who has helped you and thank them. Be with people who make you laugh or keep you smiling. Try some EFT exercises - you'll find an article on my website. Get OUT OF THE HOUSE and talk with people- network. Exercise daily - and do it out side if possible - walking is great. Turn off the news more often - watch programs that you love, but not more than two hours per day. Take a class at your local Park District or College - make it something that you have always wanted to learn. It could be pottery, golf, stock market/investing, or perhaps yoga. Pretend that you all ready have succeeded and experience the FEELING of success in your mind, in your heart---let it fill your emotions. Remember a time when you felt incredibly successful, talented, intelligent...focus on that memory until it makes you smile. Know that this experience is temporary and plan for success. Join a league or team or group to participate in extracurricular activities you know you enjoy. Dress for success every day - Wear your good clothes when you go out because you will FEEL successful, you will FEEL wealthy - you will FEEL great! Start Spring cleaning now. DREAM big! Write down your desires. Then write down what you can do each day to bring yourself closer to that dream. Do you need to take a class? Do you need to meet someone? Do research? Visit a certain place? Make a list of things you need to accomplish each day. Check them off as you move through them. Sharpen your skill set. Visit the library, talk to a school counselor or a mentor who can help you determine what additional skills might help catapult you towards your goals. Let go of what you deem to be your failures. Success is built upon each day that you have lived and each experience is necessary. Remember that without the storms in our lives we would be weak. Trees that stand tall for many years are the ones who have had to deal with bad weather such as rain storms, lightening, wind, drought - It is these challenges that actually cause the inner core of the tree trunk to get stronger. When scientists have sliced open tree trunks of very old trees, they have found that these trees have many rings that are closer together than trees that topple at a younger age. These tight rings symbolize the years when the tree had less than the perfect environment, not enough water, not enough sunlight. These challenges actually gave the tree more stability to withstand future events. The roots of the tree had to move deeper into the soil to help it stand strong and to search for nutrients.

Plan for success. Make room for new things. Take the brave steps that tell the world that you are ready for greater things. Clean out a closet for new clothes, give away things you do not use, MOVE to a better place if possible. Align yourself with success and it will align itself with you. Visit the places you wish to work, or live. Read magazines that describe the life you would enjoy. Live the life of your dreams through movies, photos, music, food, etc., until it manifests. Stop trying to figure out exactly how your goodness will come to you. Stop putting limitations on who, what, where, or how, it will happen. We often set limitations as to what we will do to make money, or find the right mate, or right college, or activity that will bring the joy that we all seek. STOP limiting your goodness by placing boundaries on it. Your goodness could come from the most unexpected places or from people that are close to you. DO NOT LIMIT the flow of goodness into your life. Some times others are meant to give to you so that you can give to others. You see there is a purpose that each of us has in this world - one really deep and profound purpose. You might be the one that has to learn to receive so that others can give. If we ALLOW goodness to reach us through any means we are saying that we are ready!

Be ready - your goodness is just waiting to get to you. It has not been lost - you were lost. Now open your arms and ACCEPT the support that you need from others while you do your part to help the world in some great way. Remember that this time is temporary, so look for things that you CAN do, things that put you in the proactive mode rather than the reactive position. Take time each day to meditate, relax, read a good book, listen to great music and talk with someone who knows more than you do about something. Take time each day to teach someone something that they didn't know. Take time each day to listen to others, and share experiences with those closest to you.

Eat foods that bring the sunshine inside the body. Think of the foods that are yellow and orange and red in color. It is time to COLOR our lives and let go of the drab winter blues. Light up your environment with COLOR and FRAGRANCES that you love. Add a fresh flower arrangement to your home at least once per week. Eat more fresh foods like salads, and fruits. Drink 100% juice instead of pop. Where colorful clothing instead of black, brown or dark blue more often.Use brighter lights in your fixtures to brighten the room. Open the shads and let the LIGHT IN!

It is difficult sometimes to pick yourself up, but tell someone who cares about you that you are feeling down. Go to a funny movie together, splurge on a simple outing like bowling, or Chinese lunch. Bake something and bring it over to a friend's house and watch a funny movie together or play a board game. Simple pleasures can do much to help us unwind. Make yourself a pleasureful bath filled with Epsom Salt and Rose Petals or other fragrant flowers. Men can do this too, it isn't just for ladies. Exchange neck and foot massages with your mate or friend.Be sensitive to the needs of others. Spend some time helping others, or donate your time at an animal shelter. Give what you can when you can -- Giving feels GREAT! Allow yourself the pleasure of receiving too.In life we seem to go through periods when we are the ones always giving to others and then suddenly we might find ourselves on the other end needing some help. All of this is okay. The teeter-totter goes up and will come down...enjoy the ride. Life is so much nicer when we are grateful for the experiences that come our way - the ones that bring us sheer joy, and the ones that make us stronger in some way. Take those difficult times and help others with the wisdom that you possess.

Whatever you do, NEVER STOP TRYING! It might take just one more call, just one more letter, just one more conversation, just one more mile...and suddenly this difficult time will have passed and you will be ready for the greatest good to fill your life.

Wishing you all endless blessings of joy, Janet Angel, PhD

Staying Positive!

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